
Fast food Restaurant - ファーストフード・レストラン

One of my friends whom I have known for 20years visited me. He is interested in opening a fast food restaurant, so I took him to several places in LA.

There is one Mexican fast food restaurant that I go time to time close to my house.
It doesn't look like a typical Mexican place, but the design is clean and sotisphicated, and it seems go well with hot summer days.

Interior colors are coordinated in white, black and light green. Graphic design works well with the atmosphere.

But, there are some essential elements missing as a fast food restaurant. The wide path and large spaces between tables create tension instead of casual feeling, which is wanted in fast food restaurant.

This place probably was built to seek and test a concept between a fast food restaurant and typical restaurant with servers.

それはさておき、今, フロリダで行われるプロジェクトのデザインに頭を悩ませている。明日のミーティングまでに何か考えないと・・・でも何も面白い物が思いつかない・・・とりあえず、ブログを書いて現実逃避。こういうのは初めてではないが、締め切りの迫った作家の様な気分だ。
By the way, I have to come up with some ideas for a project in Florida for tomorrow's meeting...but I can not think of anything....so I am trying to escape from the reality by writing this...This is not the first time to feel this, but I feel like a writer who is facing a deadline tomorrow...

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