
President Inauguration - 大統領就任式

I watched the 44th President Inauguration on TV this morning. It ended about an hour ago.

The President limousine is about 6Feet (180cm) tall. At this moment, George Bush was still the President, so he sat on the left side, President seat, and Senator Obama sat on the right side (looking from front to rear).

Senator Obama making the oath and the First Lady looking at him.

More than 2 million people gathered in Washington DC.

At the end of President Obama's speech.
アメリカに移り住んで18年目。この国には確かに人種をテーマにした差別や問題が存在し、ただ、多くの人が普段はそれを口にするのを控えているのは確信している。皆、人種に関する差別やジョークを口にする時は小声になる。つまり、頭の中で完全に人間は皆平等と理解しているのでは無く、差別はいけない事だと教えられたから、”いけない事” として理解している、またはしようとしているだけの事。
I have been living in the U.S. for 18 years and I am certain that there is a racial discrimination in this country. People tend to kill their voices when they speak about the difference and racial jokes. This means that the people understand that the racial discrimination is a "bad thing" because we were told so. Our brains are not naturally acknowledging that everyone is equal.
I think that is the nature of the multicultural country, and think it is a "good thing" to keep one's root and be proud of it. Only one thing everyone needs to do is to accept each other. This is a very difficult task to many people because so many people are thinking that they are the center of the world.
今回の大統領就任式では、皆平等という理論を当然の事として考え、”初の黒人大統領” という点にはわざと触れないのではないかとさえ思ったが、その部分は逆に主張されていた。そして、それが今回のChange(チェンジ)を強く表明していたと思う。これをうたい文句にこれから4年間どの様に国を引っ張って行くのか見ものである。
President Obama and other people who made speeches today mentioned or implied that this was the first African American President in the history, and meant that it was the "change". I expect to see the change in the next 4 years.
President Obama mentioned in his speech that he will clear the "dust" for the new generation. George Bush was sitting right behind him, and I wonder how he felt when he heard this.
アメリカの好きなところは、この様にヒーローかヒロインになり得る人を掲げ多民族の気持ちを一つにするというとても明確な方向性があるところだ。そして大統領は、The Most Powerful Man なのである。持ちえる力が違うとしても、日本のように総理大臣がコロコロ変わってしまっては、国民は誰に期待すれば良いのか分からなくなる。ただ、このヒーローは、一つ間違えると天敵とみなされ、世界中の反感を買う。大変な役目である。
One of the things I like about this country is that the country always brings out a hero or a heroine and he or she connects people's mind together, then creates a large force. And it is clear that the President is the Most Powerful Man. It is difficult for people in Japan to depend on the Japanese prime minister since it changes too often. However, once this person makes a wrong decision, he or she suddenly becomes every one's target....
It is not an easy position to take.

It may be far in the future, but there may be a time when Japanese-American President will be born.


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