My friend couple asked me to renovate their bedroom.
I designed, chose furniture, and did all construction by myself, so it was a little tough, but was an enjoyable project.
コンセプトは家の他の部分とは少し雰囲気の違う、クラシカルな要素の入ったかわいいながらも落ち着く部屋。 全て僕に任せてくれたので、プロジェクトはとても迅速に進んだ。
The concept was "a cute and sophisticatedcomfortable room with classical elements".
They completely relayed on me, so the project moved very quickly.
Their budget was $700 for material and furniture. I did not charge for the labor and design fee.
まずは、カーペットを剥がし、床を全てIKEAのラミネートのウッドフロアーにして、壁を落ち着いた茶系統の色で塗る。 床を張る時に結構な音が出るので注意。
First of all, I stripped an original carpet and installed a laminated wood floor from IKEA , and paineted walls with calm brownish color.
I found this great table at an used furniture store for $25!
All surfaces were sanded and painted with white pain. In order to avoid the brush stroke, I used tip of large brush and created a lough finish look on purpose. The top was not even, so I covered with a compound and sanded after it dried.
ベッドはIKEAの一つ$99(約8900円)の物を2つ。そのヘッドボードに皮のシートを買ってきて布張り専用のピンで取り付ける。高級ホテルに泊まっても、ベッドのフレームはただのメタルだけの物が多い。隠れてしまう所はお金をセーブするのに最適。I bought 2 bed frames from IKEA ($99 each), then covered the headboards with leather sheets. Even many expensive hotels use typical steel bed frames because they usually can not be seen. It is always a good spot to save the money.
The lower white part of the wall defines the window location better on a wall, and also it makes the ceiling look higher.
I installed painted wood moldings at the top and middle of the wall where the color changes. Also the rectangle frames with glossy dark orange paint create a rhythm on the walls. A candle holder is placed in the center of each frame.
The white curtains suspended from the ceiling meet the edges of the bed, and distinguish the bed area in this room. This creates a feeling that there is another small room in this bedroom, and it provides the depth and comfort in the both bed and other areas.
This pink stool was only $25 at consignment store. A mirror from IKEA is attached on the white table. The table top needed to be raised 4 more inches, so I bought the wood eggs and attached at the bottom of the table legs.
A narrow but useful counter on the back of the headboard, with $6 lamps.
The curtain hangs in front of a painted drywall creates softness. ( a little short on sides...)
壁のキャンドル台。気に入った物が無かったので、IKEAとHome Depotから色々買ってきて作った。
I couldn't find a candle holder that I liked, so I created with the parts I bought from IKEA and Home Depot.
Well, everything fit in the budget.
My fried could was very happy with the result and the fact that it costed them so little.
もちろん業者に頼むと人件費が取れるが、ちょっとした改装で家の中に気に入った空間を作れるのでお勧め。特に不景気の昨今, 気持ちを安らげる自宅を、もっと居心地よい場所にしてみてはいかがだろう。
Of course, usually it costs labor and design, but it is not a bad idea to spend some money to make your home more special so that you can relive yourself from the stress that you receive from this economical crisis.
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