
My second home 3 - 第2の故郷 3

この週末はTaste of Chicago と呼ばれる食の祭典があり、道の両側いっぱいにシカゴのレストランが露店を出す。
On my 3rd day in Chicago, I drove to the places that brought back my good memories before I had dinner with my friends. It was Taste of Chicago weekend and the both sides of a street were filled with food pavilions. 

I think it is very clever of Chicago that developed Grant Park and combined with fascinating events to attract tourists. They spent money wisely to make more money, and it is a very nice city development.  

Train called L runs over our head, and taxes are not hard to catch. 

懐かしい母校、The School of Art Institute of Chicagoの校舎の一つ。
One of the campuses of The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, I graduated. 

The Art Institute of Chicago (シカゴ美術館)。元々は僕が通った学校の生徒用のギャラリーだったのが、コレクションを溜めていくうちに今の美術館になった。裏は学校の校舎と繋がっている。

A museum, The Art Institute of Chicago, used to be a students' gallery of the school. It became today's museum as they collected art pieces. This building is connected to large studios of school in the back, so I
used to use the museum as a short cut path (it is free for this school's students). 

新たに増築されたModern Wing (モダンウィング)。
日本にもオフィスを持つRenzo Piano (レンゾ・ピアノ)の作品。
Modern Wing, a new addition to the museum designed by Renzo Piano. 
He has designed one next to our LA office, but the one in Chicago is much more highly detailed. 

Flow of people, natural light, delicate lines and bold surfaces and reveals and thoughtful details are all well coordinated together and creating a perfect balance. 

Drape of natural light on the 3rd floor.

Major light source in the gallery on the 3rd floor is natural light from the top.
It created a feeling that all art pieces are floating in the air because of less contract of light and shadow.  

3 madams as if they dressed to match the painting by Chagall.   

Magritte's painting, depicting his unique way of seeing with usual objects. 

After enjoying the museum, I headed for my friend's place. 
John Hancock Center posturing between the Mies building. 

Light drink before dinner overlooking Lake Michigan. 

We went to KIKI'S, a homey French restaurant. 
This is an owner's Citroen.  

で机を並べた。現在我々の コンサルティング・デザインディレクター。
エバは学年は下だったが同じ学校を卒業し、現在VOA (リンク)のデザイナー。
アンディーはSOMからの友人。現在はPerkins and Will (リンク) のデザイナー。

Piotr and Ewa on the left and Andy on the right front. 
Piotr has appeared in my blog before. We both graduated from the same school and also worked
at SOM together. Now he is a Consulting Design Director in our company. 
Ewa also graduated from the same school and now she is a VP and designer at VOA. 
Andy is our friend from SOM. Now he is a designer at Perkins and Will.   

After this, we went back to the patio in front of the lake and had drink until 1:00 A.M.
Next time, we will all meet in LA, we promised. 

The next day, when I stepped in the airplane, I thought I saw some wet spots under the engine but I didn't doubt anything until I heard an announcement saying there was an oil leak from the engine 10 minutes later.   


Everyone had to sit tight in their seat for an hour and half while mechanics are trying to fix the problem.
Despite their efforts, that was not fixable, so we were forced to take a different plane another hour and half later. Well, I preferred taking the different one to taking the repaired one anyway. 
The sun started sinking and a business trip to NY a week later was decided while waiting... 

There was nothing I could do but wait, so I asked Frappuccino for a company. 

Almost at midnight, I arrived in LA finally. 


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