A cafe that we are designing in LA downtown is in the final stage.
名前はMulteepurpose ( )
It is called Multeepurpose (link above)
The location is
269 S. San Pedro St.
Los Angeles, CA
As the name describes, they act on multiple social issues (green, human rights) through art (fashion, photography). The cafe is just a portion of their space. There are future yoga studio and gallery spaces in the rear.
The metal flower lights we hand made have been suspended from their ceiling. Everyone liked it and we received additional 3 orders.
The light bulb is the first generation of LED light. It is very rare now.
This is a counter in a retail area where they sell T-shirts designed by their artists. The smaller display case is for sweets, and the larger one will house the T-shirts and accessories. The owner found them at a close by used equipment store and we designed to merge them with a counter.
The purple neon sign came from a closing computer store.
これから、アンティークのピンボールマシーンが置かれ、音楽はこれまたアンティークのジュークボックスが奏でる事になる。家具を含めてまだ揃えなければならない物が沢山あるが、自由な感じがとても面白い。電気のコードの束ね方もわざとぐちゃぐちゃにして喜んでいる。オーナーとも話していたのだが、”他に例を見ない感じ” が皆とても気に入っている。
An antique pinball machine will be delivered, and also an antique jukebox will play the music. We still have to collect furniture and other items, but everyone is into this unique and free atmosphere. We even enjoyed the electrical wires tied randomly. It is very original.
I like working with artists because they are not captured in a typical concept, and they respect my artistic ideas.
It is because they know that those ideas can carry messages and help create an identity and brand in the space. This is our company's essential major design concept.
FOX TV showed interest in their activity and was there for an interview. Since Multeepurpose's activity is strongly related to mass media, we are working together to publish this cafe design on magazines and other medias.
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