今日は仕事帰りに、映画Pretty Womanでの印象が強い、高級ショッピングストリート、Rodeo Drive(ロデオ・ドライブ)に寄ってみた。オフィスから車で10分程ウィルシャー・ブルバードを東に向うと映画に出てきたBeverly Wilshire(ビバリー・ウィルシャー)ホテルが見えてくる。その真向かいの道がRodeo Drive。
I stopped by Rodeo Drive on my way home tonight. As I drove up on Wilshire Blvd for about 1o minutes, Beverly Wilshire hotel started showing its facade.
Ever since I moved to California, I have been surprised by the fewer Christmas decorations in a town. Chicago was filled with the ornaments and Christmas window displays in this season.
(I think the Christmas decoration in Japan is a bit too much.)
少し見えにくいが、Beverly Wilshireのライトアップ・・・と言うほどの物でもないが・・・。
A Christmas illumination of Beverly Wilshire hotel. Not so impressive...
Boutiques on Rodeo Drive were still open, but
Cartier was empty...
The manikins look lonely....and they try to look for someone to share the loneliness.
I could see the deepest part of Salvatore Ferragamo store without any obstructions...
What a cheap looking show window, by the way.
Nobody was in Christian Dior store.
”あ~ひま!” と伸びをしているかの様なベルサーチのマネキン。
Stretching manikin, "I am bored!'
Georg Jensenの店は個人的にお気に入り。よく見ると分かるが、店内を長く、深く見せる為に
One of my favorite stores, Gerog Jensen boutique. The perspective is distorted to show the store much deeper ( left wall is not parallel to right wall).
It was a very chilly night...and a Tiffany's display made me feel colder.
Well, I guess most of the people have finished their Christmas shopping in the weekend, and already started taking vacations. Even so, it was such a melancholic night.
The recession must be a part of the reason, too.