We have found that people in 33 different countries have visited our website. Since our website is written only in Japanese, we assume that those who don't read Japanese experienced frustrating times.
Now, we have added Google Translation Tool on the right hand side of our website.
This tool is not capable of providing a perfect translation; however, it probably helps you give you an idea of what we write in our article. Sometimes, it may even be enjoyable to read the funny translation.
We are hoping that our blog becomes a tool to communicate with the people all over the world, and hopefully even work together in the future.
Please feel free to send us your comments. We enjoy being connected with you.
この度、Google Translation Toolをページの右側に設置しました。残念な事に、完璧な翻訳を提供してくれる物ではありませんが、文章の内容をある程度理解する事は可能と思われます。おかしな翻訳が逆に読んでいて面白いかも知れません。
We enjoy your website.
返信削除Yeah, we kind of enjoy your website.