The Spice Tableの建物の横に、軽自動車一台がすっぽり入る程の穴を開けた。
グリーストラップと言うコンクリートの箱を埋め込み、そこで排水中のオイルを取り除いてから下水に流す。これは市から要求される施設。この位の大きさの物で、工費も含めて約$25,000 (約220万円)程。
We made a huge hole next to The Spice Table building. It is big enough to bury a small size car.
This is for a concrete box called grease trap that works to eliminate oil from waste water, and it is required by city. The cost is about $25,000 for this size including installation.
かなり深い (僕の身長は184cm)。
It is pretty deep (I am 6'-0").
The photo is showing me thinking how to get to the bottom, but the sand was too soft for me to come back up, so I gave up.
A foundation wall from old demolished building.
The construction site is always very interesting since I can find many hidden elements that can not be seen from outside.
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