
Office Environment - オフィス環境

3日前にアメリカでメジャーなオフィス家具メーカーの一つ、Haworth (ヘイワースhttp://www.haworth.com/ )というショールームを訪れた。以前アメリカの設計会社で働いていた時は、クライアントは皆この様な考えられたお洒落で機能的な家具を普通に使用していたが、LAに来てから日系企業のオフィスで普段目にするのは個性の無いグレーの家具だけ。
I have visited Haworth showroom 3 days ago. Haworth (www.haworth.com ) is one of the major office furniture manufacturers in the United States. When I used to work for American interior design companies, their clients were always looking for this sort of fashionable and functional furniture for their offices; however, what I usually see in offices of Japanese companies are rows of typical gray furniture.

American business owners know that their worker's motivation is often manipulated with the office environment and it has a power to bring in a better productivity to a company. Also, here in the U.S., people always look for better places to work for their better lives, so it is an essential issue for a company to ponder how to attract the superior work forces and keep them in a companies.

人間の感情はは色や光, その他の環境によって大きく左右される。また、オフィス内における自分のスペースの存在、オフィスデザイン内に反映される企業イメージの有無等が従業員にそこで働くプライドや自分の仕事に対する責任感に大きな影響を及ぼす。経営陣と一般従業員との間に存在し得るビジネスに対する考え方のギャップは、時折行うミーティングや社報程度ではなく、毎日肌で感じる”環境”を整える事により埋める事が可能と考える。
Color, light and other surrounding environments have tremendous amount of effects on our emotions. We believe that reflecting a corporate image in the office design and providing a decent private and public space to the workers will result in generating people's royalties and responsibilities toward their companies and tasks. We think the designed work environment is more effective than doing entire office meeting and in house newsletter on filling a gap that often exists between a company's managing group and general workers about the company's business direction and a goal.

Please take a moment and look around your office. You may be selective about your clothes, cars, watchs and restaurants to visit, but may not paying enough attention to your office which you spend at least 1/3 of your day. Aren't you thinking that a desk and a good wage are enough to make people work hard and responsibly?

It is not so hard to create an office that attracts people, as their favorite restaurants do, without spending a lot of money.
Even if you have to spend some money, it could easily be a good investment.
It is a shame that many people spend their 1/3 of a day in a gray box...

Movable walls allow an easy office layout change anytime.

This fashionable chair may look not so comfortable to sit for a long time, but actually this is a pretty comfortable ergonomical chair. Also, its material is recycable and green.
I have heard from an executive of a compnay that one employee compained about her back pain and explained it came from the bad task chair. ecause of this, this comany's expense for worker's compensation went up surprisingly. And you know that if one person says that, people around this person say "Oh yeah! Me too!".
This comany decided to provide ergonomical chairs to everyone. The employees were satisfied with the company's response and willing to work harder.

It depends of the work type, but I think it is not so hard to find people who are willing to spend their 8 hours in a private office like this.

A president of one corporation often invites speakers and holds lectures. With his support, we are planning a lecture about Office Design and Working Environment in this showroom.

ヘイワースのショールームを出た後、最近LAにもオープンしたハリウッドにあるCB2(http://www.cb2.com/ )という家具&雑貨店へ。
昔からあるCrate & Barrelの新しいブランド。安価で面白いものが多いので、お勧めの店。
After leaving the Haworth showroom, I visited new CB2 (www.cb2.com) store in Hollywood. CB2 is a new brand of Crate & Barrel. They have variety of affordable furniture and goods in the store, and it is worth to stop by.


2 件のコメント:

  1. いつも参考に拝見しています。今回もすてきな情報をありがとうございます。CB2は私も好きでカタログとウェブでよく見ていますが、ショップの存在を知りませんでした。


  2. 山中さん>リンクの指摘、ありがとう。ちょっとバタバタしていて連絡途絶えてたけど、また連絡させて貰いますね。



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