We have been working on projects outside of LA : New York, San Diego and Japan.
In addition, we have been contacted about new projects in Mexico, and also people in Vietnam and Iran
have notified us with potential projects.
We are also making efforts to get projects in San Francisco, and my old class mates, who I worked with at SOM Chicago, and I are discussing about potential collaboration and/or establishing our office in Chicago.
Thanks to internet, we don't necessarily have to be located close to job sites. I used to work on a project in San Paulo, Brazil from Chicago, and several projects in China from San Francisco.
But I am not planing to grab everything around me because I don't think it is a good idea to fill our brains only with works.
It is very important for us to calm down and reset our minds often.
I stopped by Los Angeles County Museum of Arts (LACMA) after work again.
Sitting on a bench in a room where only sound of hard heels echoed was very peaceful.
Then, a cozy Japanese restaurant with a retro atmosphere close by my office was chosen for my dinner place for the night.
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