I like visiting construction sites. It is always impressive to see our designs on a piece of paper coming to the realty.
I like to learn things from contractors, and also like to argue with them when they are not following our drawings.
This is a new office site for one corporation.
”お前は細かい!” と言われたので、
When I pointed out a discrepancy between our drawing and their construction, it turned out to be a little argument.
They said, "You are so picky!"
So I said, "Thank you!"
It is a complement to us.
At the end, we laughed and shook hands.
If the contractor is decent and experienced, they don't mind being mentioned about their mistakes, but they do mind when their client (tenant and/or architect) doesn't make a decision timely. If we discuss with the supervisor and tell them our design intent, suggest a construction method and make the final decision right there, they could even appreciate us.
It is important to select a contractor who has an experience in the field of your project. Especially for a restaurant construction, a good knowledge for a kitchen and Health Department's code is required, otherwise, they might create a headache to pass the final inspection after the substantial completion.
ここでは3ヶ月に1度保健所からインスペクターがやって来て審査がされ、その評価によって表から見える所に ”A”、”B”、”C” とランクを記した大きな札が貼られる。Bでもやはりちょっと入る気が失せる。
Health inspector visits restaurants every 3 months and rank them with "A", "B" and "C", and attach a plate by the front window. Sometimes "B" is enough to change my mind to enter.
And, you can search the ranks here...
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