A new salon project in Newport Beach is moving forward in its last stage. This white cute building is located on a border of a busy commercial area and a quiet wealthy residential neighborhood. It is an ideal location for a salon.
The owner of the salon told us last week that the light fixtures she was trying to purchase for the salon were out of stock, and also they were discontinued. So we started looking for substitutions.
The owner of the salon told us last week that the light fixtures she was trying to purchase for the salon were out of stock, and also they were discontinued. So we started looking for substitutions.
but...here comes our curiosity again...
We want modern transparent light fixtures...
"Wanna try?"
So, these are the materials of this time: bowls from IKEA, Swarovski crystal pieces from the salon owner and other reflective powders. By using these, we tried to create a transparent sphere lamp shade.
So, these are the materials of this time: bowls from IKEA, Swarovski crystal pieces from the salon owner and other reflective powders. By using these, we tried to create a transparent sphere lamp shade.
I am mixing a resin, the main material of this experiment.
A chemical reaction occurs when two liquids are mixed.
Trying on a small bowls.
My assistant, Erika, suggested using a balloon to create a shape closer to sphere.
The chemical reaction generates a high heat, so the balloon is filled with water in order to cool down the rubber surface.
A bowl wrapped with sheets of clear wrap.
Scooping the dropped resin with a spoon and pour it on top of the bowl as if we are cooking a whole turkey.
こんな遊びもやってみた。 断熱材のスプレー。固まると発泡スチロールの様になる。
We also played with this, a spray type of building insulation. It turns like a Styrofoam.
This is cool!
The resin should be dried and harden over the weekend.
I think we will fail to make the clear half sphere we wanted.
I know there is a standard way of forming the resin, but resisting the existing methods and trying to create our own way teach us the importance of a flexible thinking in design processes.
I know there is a standard way of forming the resin, but resisting the existing methods and trying to create our own way teach us the importance of a flexible thinking in design processes.
Some coincidences sometimes become an invention.
"Instead of doing this, maybe we should go out and try to get more projects?" I joked.
"But this is fun!" Erika said.
"Someday, we will be rewarded." I laughed.
デザイナーとして仕事を始めてから今日までの10数年間に格好良い、綺麗、と一般的に呼ばれるものを数多くデザインしてきた。独立してから追求しているのは、一つで良いから独特な物を提案すること。その提案が受け入れられない場合も決して珍しくはない。でも、そのユニークさがそのスペースに個性をもたらし ”ブランド” を作り出す手助けをすると信じている。
"Someday, we will be rewarded." I laughed.
デザイナーとして仕事を始めてから今日までの10数年間に格好良い、綺麗、と一般的に呼ばれるものを数多くデザインしてきた。独立してから追求しているのは、一つで良いから独特な物を提案すること。その提案が受け入れられない場合も決して珍しくはない。でも、そのユニークさがそのスペースに個性をもたらし ”ブランド” を作り出す手助けをすると信じている。
I have designed so-called cool and beautiful things in my last 10+ years of design career. Now I am trying to pursue my desire; designing spaces with at least one very unique element. Even though there are times that our ideas are way off and not accepted by our clients, I believe the uniqueness helps establish a "brand" of a space.
なぜなら、それが ”クリエーター(創造者)”という言葉の意味だと思うから。
And I feel that I need to make it with my hands.
And I feel that I need to make it with my hands.
Because I think that is the meaning of a word "creator".
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