We experienced hectic time for the last two days in order to finish up a drawing set for a city permit submission, and have just come to a satisfactory point.
Regulation and codes varies depend on the city, so usually our researching time exceeds further than designing time. Here in U.S., a ratio of designing time and coordination time is 10% to 90%. I guess it is similar in other countries. We make efforts to increase the 10% to 20% by expediting the other part of the project.
Yesterday I asked some modifications on mechanical and plumbing drawings that we received from our engineer, and today a new set came in. Tomorrow, we should receive an electrical drawing from our engineer. One of our important role is to review and coordinate their drawings with ours.
My desk always looks like this in this period.
I personally like to draw details. I believe that spaces with nice details never make you feel uncomfortable or bored even if you visit there multiple times.
We feel more tension in the office during this time. My super assistant Erika finishes drawings rapidly. She even finds and fixes my mistakes for me these days, and she never complains.
We have one project needs to be submitted to city approval in 2 weeks, and made a new contract for a very fascinating project 3 days ago. Including construction management of on going projects, we will be running around for a while. Well, actually I was much more busier when I was working for companies as a designer, so I think we are O.K.