
Little Tokyo - リトル東京

I joined dinner with two Japanese -American friends, Mr.K and Mr.R, last night. They are 57 and 50 years old 3rd generation Japanese, and we go to Little Tokyo most of the time when we have dinner together.

夜11:00。食事の後にある小さなカラオケスナックに誘われた。30年程前からあると思われるこの店の広い店内には殆ど人影が無く、バーカウンターに3人の男が座っているだけだった。グレー のワンピースを着た40代半ばの女性のバーテンダーがウイスキーの水割りを作り、ヒョウ柄のドレスを着たこちらも40歳程の女性のサーバーがそれを運んで 来て我々の席に座った。
After dinner, at 11:00P.M., they took me to a small Karaoke bar. The place looked like it's been there for around 30 years. I could not find anybody in the large bar except 3 men sitting at a bar. A mid-40th female bartender in a gray dress made our drinks and an early 40th female server in an animal print dress brought them to us and sat next to us.

After a while, one of the men drinking at the bar approached to Mr.K with his tipsy stagger. He was completely drunk. Mr. K told me later that the man used to be a bartender at a well known Japanese bar that does not exist anymore. It was about 20 years ago. He used to meet heads of world famous Japanese corporations in the bar when they were still struggling to establish their business in LA.

"Good old days、good old days."
Mr. K says.

Most of their friends can not speak, read or write Japanese. I always learn very important histories from those people with Japanese faces in English. In the history, many people in this country were not treating Japanese equally, and Mr. K mentioned that they never called him with his name, and also his family was sort of forced to move out of the area they lived because the neighbors were not welcoming them.

Mr. K and Mr. R's stories always remind me that there was a fact that there were Japanese people who did not give up resisting the society to claim their rights, and I can be what I am now here in LA because of them.

and what I am doing now is not sitting on the history, but continuing the history behind me.

(night view of Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry)

この前オープンしたMulteepurpose (マルティーパーパス)に続き、現在ある著名なシェフのレストランをリトル東京にデザインしている。日 本人として、そして、街づくりを手伝う者として忘れてはならない事を、いつも彼ら、そしてダウンタウンの外れにあるこの ”小さな東京” が教えてくれる。
After completing Multeepurpose in Little Tokyo, we are currently working on a restaurant for a well known chef in the same area. This "small Tokyo" always tells me what I should think as a Japanese and a person who helps the development of a city.

At 6:00A.M., it seemed that LA downtown was telling me something more today than yesterday.



Umami & Desert - うまみ&砂漠

いつも仕事から帰宅する際に通るLa Brea通りに、ちょっと気になるレストランがあった。ここ最近出来たその店は、最初はまだ看板も無かった。しかし、夜の暗闇に浮かび上がるその空間はいつも大勢の人で埋め尽くされ、車も駐車場に入る為に毎日列をなしていた。
There was one place that always caught my eyes on La Brea Avenue when I drove by on my way home. The place didn't even have a store sign, but at night, the illuminated space was always filled with people, and cars were lining up and waiting for someone to leave.

その名も ”ウマミ(旨味)・バーガー”・・・ 
One day, a store sign was installed finally.
The name is "Umami Burger"... (Umami is a Japanese word meaning an element of good taste).

エリカさんと一緒に注文したのはUmami Burger (この店一押し)、 そしてSo Cal Burger (Southern Californiaの略)、それとポテトとクスクスのサラダ。
It is a very strange name, but I could not help going there to find out the reason of the large crowd. Its interior was pretty small but well arranged and
Erika and I ordered Umami Burger (their signature burger), So Cal Burger, potato and Couscous salad.

As soon as I made the first bite, all the question I had was gone.

Delicious! I had not had such a good burger for a while.

Also, the design of plate, interior, uniform and menu are all well coordinated. The menu is very simple and easy to order. Presentation of food is simple and attractive.

Our waiter told us that the owner was a Caucasian instead of Japanese.

Umami Burger ウェブサイト
お勧めはやはりUmami Burger($9)。
Their Website (http://umamiburger.com/ )
I recommend Umami Burger ($9).

Changing the subject, I left for the desert city this morning again for a business.

My car's exterior temperature indicator showed...113F...

It is
45 centigrade....!

Pieces of burs tires and cars with open hoods were on the both side of the freeway.

Because the air is so dry, it cools down when the sun sets.

It is 9:00 P.M., but I seldom go out anymore in this town.
My evening here is for sitting in a spa downstairs or simple relaxing in a room away from my typical busyness.



Multeepurpose Opening Party - マルティーパーパス オープニング パーティー

An opening party of Multeepurpose was held in LA downtown on August 8th. As I wrote in my blog (LINK), this is an artistic space where cafe, t-shirt shop, gallery and retail store meet.

I didn't want to go by myself, so I invited Ms. Ueda (right) who is the owner of Raffine (LINK), and Ms. Michiyo(left), a patterner of a well known apparel brand.

I was expecting a medium size crowd until we get a couple of blocks away.
The place was packed inside out.

I was drawn into the atmosphere very easily with a glass of sangria.

A fashion show started at 10 P.M.
I created a collage of the show.
The photo quality is not good because of my camera. Sorry.

T-shirts at a retail space.

Jewelry's in a glass display case.

with Ms. Yamada, an owner of Multeepurpose.

Various people in unique fashions are there for their own reasons.
And nobody seemed to care.
It felt that this huge crowd was formed by "individuals" instead of being created by an union of "small groups".
It reminded me the time when I was attending the art school in Chicago, and it made me feel very comfortable.

Our metal flower light fixtures were looking down on us.
Each one of them was like my kids, and I was proud that they were contributing in this space to put smiles on people's face.

And thanks to many people who were involved in this project, especially the owner Ms. Yamada and her partner Jeff, I could leave my footprint on this land again.

269 S. San Pedro St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (map)



Last a couple of days - ここ2~3日

I have been going out with my friends for drink at night, and visiting places for work during the day last a couple of days. Let me list some of them.

This is a restaurant & lounge, MESA, in Costa Mesa. I didn't notice its existence even though this place has been around here for a while. It is a decent place to hung out. It is bright on the other side of the bar because...

the roof is operable. Some movies are projected on the walls at night.


King Richard's Antique Mall (リンク)へ。ここは物凄く広く、値段もとてもリーゾナブル。
I came home after midnight. In the same morning, I visited King Richard's Antique Mall (Link) to find a piece of furniture for our client. This place was huge and the price was very reasonable.

A chief welcomes you at the entrance.

My new future assistant Jenny. She never smiles, but works hard.

My real assistant Erika and I went to a Mexican restaurant attached to this mall. The store front impression was not really ideal to us, so we sort of hesitated to open the door, but the food was pretty good. It was very rare to see a dish exactly same as the photo on a menu.

After lunch, I drove to downtown Long Beach for a new project meeting. Since it was still early for the meeting, I decided to drive around the port. This port is one of the largest one in the world, and it is filled with trailers, cranes and containers.


After visiting more places in a few days, now I am fighting with the red and black lines on the paper in my quiet office at 9:30PM on Friday.



OC Fair - OCフェアー

ヨーロッパの模造品が多い中、たまに ” アメリカン!” 的な物を見ると、とてもワクワクする。50年代を舞台にした映画を好んで毎日見ていた時期もあった。
I get excited when I feel real "American" wind in this country that is filled with European copy objects. There was a time when I watched movies about 50th everyday.

自宅から程近い大きな敷地で毎年OCフェアーと言う物が開かれる。OCとは言わずと知れたOrange Countyーオレンジ郡の略。ここにコンサートやピッグレース(豚競争)なども含めたとても大きな移動遊園地が来る。(ウェブサイト
Once a year, OC Fair take a place in a huge lot close to my home. A huge traveling carnival includes outdoor concert and pig race comes here. (WEB)

American Ferris wheel turns very fast.

and everything is big.

An American dog sold here is 3 times as big as the normal one.

Flock of BBQ chicken.

The flamboyant colors make people pretty happy.

Bumper Car is an inevitable piece of attraction in an American playground. Unless you pay close attentions, people crush your car from behind wearing big smiley faces. It is fast enough to cause you a neck injury.

An area for kids includes very rapid roller coaster.

Everything is lit up at night and very cool. It was open till 12 midni

People get crazy by being swung around while they are upside down.

It seemed there were less crowd than last year, but maybe because we went there on Sunday evening.

I feel relieved when I find peaceful, exaggerating and gentle America.



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