I joined dinner with two Japanese -American friends, Mr.K and Mr.R, last night. They are 57 and 50 years old 3rd generation Japanese, and we go to Little Tokyo most of the time when we have dinner together.
夜11:00。食事の後にある小さなカラオケスナックに誘われた。30年程前からあると思われるこの店の広い店内には殆ど人影が無く、バーカウンターに3人の男が座っているだけだった。グレー のワンピースを着た40代半ばの女性のバーテンダーがウイスキーの水割りを作り、ヒョウ柄のドレスを着たこちらも40歳程の女性のサーバーがそれを運んで 来て我々の席に座った。
After dinner, at 11:00P.M., they took me to a small Karaoke bar. The place looked like it's been there for around 30 years. I could not find anybody in the large bar except 3 men sitting at a bar. A mid-40th female bartender in a gray dress made our drinks and an early 40th female server in an animal print dress brought them to us and sat next to us.
After a while, one of the men drinking at the bar approached to Mr.K with his tipsy stagger. He was completely drunk. Mr. K told me later that the man used to be a bartender at a well known Japanese bar that does not exist anymore. It was about 20 years ago. He used to meet heads of world famous Japanese corporations in the bar when they were still struggling to establish their business in LA.
"Good old days、good old days."
Mr. K says.
Most of their friends can not speak, read or write Japanese. I always learn very important histories from those people with Japanese faces in English. In the history, many people in this country were not treating Japanese equally, and Mr. K mentioned that they never called him with his name, and also his family was sort of forced to move out of the area they lived because the neighbors were not welcoming them.
Mr. K and Mr. R's stories always remind me that there was a fact that there were Japanese people who did not give up resisting the society to claim their rights, and I can be what I am now here in LA because of them.
and what I am doing now is not sitting on the history, but continuing the history behind me.
(night view of Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry)

この前オープンしたMulteepurpose (マルティーパーパス)に続き、現在ある著名なシェフのレストランをリトル東京にデザインしている。日 本人として、そして、街づくりを手伝う者として忘れてはならない事を、いつも彼ら、そしてダウンタウンの外れにあるこの ”小さな東京” が教えてくれる。
After completing Multeepurpose in Little Tokyo, we are currently working on a restaurant for a well known chef in the same area. This "small Tokyo" always tells me what I should think as a Japanese and a person who helps the development of a city.

At 6:00A.M., it seemed that LA downtown was telling me something more today than yesterday.