At 3:00P.M. yesterday, I heard the news from my car audio; "Michael Jackson has passed away from cardiac arrest." I doubted what I had just heard at the beginning. 22年前の1987年、当時中学3年生だった僕は洋楽にはまっていた。9月21日に兵庫県、西宮球場で行われたマイケル・ジャクソンのライブ当日に、本人の希望で突然プログラムに追加された内容があった。
22 years ago in 1987, I was in a middle school in Japan, and was crazy about American music. On September 21st, there was a program that was unexpectedly added to Michael Jackson's concert at Nishinomiya stadium in Hyogo prefecture. この1週間前、群馬県で功明ちゃん(当時5歳)という男の子が誘拐され、橋の上から落とされて殺害されるという、感情的にならざるを得ない残虐な事件が起こった。(捜査は難航し2002年9月14日に時効が成立している。)
A week before this concert, 5 years old boy, Yoshiaki, was kidnapped in Gunma prefecture and pushed away from a bridge and killed... This emotional and horrible incident ran out of statute of limitation on September 14th in 2002. マイケルはこの事件を聞き、スリラーを歌い終わった後に
とコメントし、 I Just Can't Stop
Loving You を功明ちゃんに捧げている。
Michael Jackson heard about this news before his concert, and decided to take a time to make a comment about this incident during his concert.He said, "I am very sorry and deeply saddened to hear about Yoshiaki. If I could, I would like to rush to his parents to express my words of sympathy and pay tribute to Yoshiyaki. I would like to dedicate my Japanese tour to Yoshiyaki.. Yoshiyaki, I know you're out there watching us. I hope such a brutal and heartbreaking thing never happens again. And I love you." Then he dedicated a song, I Just Can't Stop Loving You, to him. "アメリカの大スターが、会った事もない他の国の一人の男の子の事をこんなに想っている"
I was simply shocked by the fact that a big American star became so emotional to a Japanese boy who he had never met, and this was the moment that I felt close to Michael Jackson. このライブの模様は、確か後日テレビで放映され、僕はテレビのスピーカーの前にテープレコーダーを設置し、殆ど全てを録音していた。
I think this whole concert was broadcasted later on TV. I remember that I placed a casette tape recorder in front of a TV speaker and recorded the sound. 今は午前4時15分。3時ぐらいからなぜか目が覚めてしまい、この22年前の事をベッドの中で思い出していた。
It is 4:15 A.M.now. My eyes opened around 3:00 A.M. and I started thinking about this 22 years old memory in my bed.”あの時のテープ、まだあるかな。”
"Maybe I still have the tape?"押入れの奥からカセットテープの山を引っ張り出してみた。引っ越す度に少しづつ処分していたので、今はこれしかないが、この中にあのテープが残っていないかと探してみた。
I pulled out my cassette tape collections from the deepest part of my closet and looked for the tape.
あった!薄れた文字でA面に Michael Jackson Live in Japan と書かれている。
Found it! Its fading letter says Michael Jackson Live in Japan. 
I also pulled out only one casette tape player in my house and slided in the tape and pressed play button, but the tape got stuck when it came to his comment. I guess I was replaying the part many times trying to catch the his wards in English. 幾度かのチャレンジの後、再生に成功した。
After several trials, I succeeded to replay a portion. "for all the people in Japan, and my dear friend
Yoshiaki." と言っているのが聞き取れる。
リンク)、さらに、Man In the Mirror という曲を功明ちゃんに捧げ、CDケースのスリーブに
He donated $20,000 to Yoshiaki's parents (Link) and even made a song, Man In the Mirror, and dedicated to this boy. The CD sleeve says below(Link)。"Dedicated to Yoshiaki Hagiwara. May such a terrible thing never happen again. I will always love you. Michael Jackson."と記した(
”もっと世界を良くしたければ、僕は鏡に映ったその人間から変えていくよ” と歌っている。
Man in the Mirror とは、”鏡に映った自分” の事。
I like the lyric making a statement; "I will start from myself if I want to change the world". 実際には遠い存在の人だったが、このいたたまれない事件を介して僕の中にマイケル・ジャクソンという名前は22年間刻み込まれていた。そして、これからも消えることはないだろう。
He was a big star and of course, we didn't have any personal connections. However, his name has been stamped indelibly in my mind, and it will remain there for the rest of my life. Hiroki