
The Spice Table

Our client has officially announced his up coming restaurant.

Article on NBC Los Angeles

以前からこのブログに書かれていたロスのダウンタウンのプロジェクトはThe Spice Tableと言うレストラン。オーナー・シェフは元々Pizzeria Mozza (ブログリンク)と言うTVでもよく取り上げられる有名店でシェフをしていたブライアント・イン(Bryant Ng)。
This is the project I was writing about in my past blog articles. It is called The Spice Table. Its owner/ chef, Bryant Ng, used to be a chef at well known Pizzeria Mozza (Link in this blog).

We were asked to design his new restaurant about a year ago, and after reviewing some potential sites, Bryant selected a 100 years old building.

URM (Unreinforced Masonry) ビルディング、つまり、鉄筋などが入っていない昔のレンガ造りの建物。元々あった殆どの窓は、外壁補強の為にコンクリートブロックで埋められてしまっている。
This is a URM (Unreinforced Masonry) building. Most of its windows have been filled with concrete blocks in order to add structural strength on the exterior walls. 

All of our renovation had to meet the current building code including ADA issues, parking layout issues and so on. The most toughest problem was a structural issue.

We wanted to bring back the original beauty of this building. The concrete fills on the windows had to be removed as much as possible in order to make this restaurant successful. We visited Building and Safety Department of LA City number of times to clear their requirements and get a building permit (Link in this blog).

現在工事中。古いビルなだけに見えない所に予想だにしなかった問題点が数多く隠れており、床の構造部分からやり直し、天井の穴を埋め、腐った配管を全て交換するなど、ビル自体の補修工事に時間を取られいるが、敏腕コントラクター、Ian Lawes & Associates (イアン・ルイス・アンド・アソシエーツ)の迅速な作業が続いている。
This project is now under construction. Because of its history, there have been new discoveries every day. Despite the fact that our contractor, Ian Lawes & Associates, has been facing issues like renewing base building floor, filling holes on ceiling and replacing rotten plumbing pipes with new ones, we are all moving forward to complete this restaurant in the style we wanted.  



arth Broadway, New York - 3

arth ブロードウェー店用にLAのオフィスで試し塗りをした家具。
arth SOHO店では、家具を全て白く塗った。今回は、壁の影と同化させる為にグレーに挑戦。

These are pieces of furniture that we tested the paint in our LA office.
The wall behind them are painted in white, but a white wall does not look always white. Most of the surface look grayish because of the shadow. It is our typical perception that makes us think a white wall is white.
We painted all furniture in white for arth SOHO. Our challenge for arth Broadway is to make the furniture fuse with the shadow of  white walls intensionally, so we tested several light gray colors.

加工し終わった長さ290cm, 幅76cm, 厚さ50.8mm のマーブルの1枚板の写真。
A slab of cut and finished marble we selected in NY (9'-6" x 30" x 2").
This will be our cashier counter. In order to avoid injuries to their customers and damages to the stone, we made 1/4" bevel at customer and store clerk approaching sides, but rest or the edges are left rough. 
Even the red letters on the side will be used as a part of our design.  

(Photo by Kenset Corporation)


arth Broadway, New York - 2

I am posting some photos I took in NY.

A message taped on a wall.

Buildings in New Jersey over Hudson River. 

A bridge in Central Park and a lady in red skirt. 

Needless to say, Guggenheim Museum by Frank Lloyd Wright. 

And I worked, of course.
We visited a stone showroom and selected a slab of white marble (Carara) out of many options.

Mick..ey...? and Minn..ey? 
(at a Chinese owned stone showroom) 

今回工事を依頼したKenset Corporation の安田さんにStaten Island のアンティーク屋さんに連れて行ってもらい、家具や備品を購入。
Mr. Yasuda at Kenset Corporation, our general contractor, kindly drove us to an antique store in Staten Island. We selected some pieces of furniture.  

Mr. Kurihara, our client, and I took a ferry on the way back to Manhattan. 
In spite of the fact that I have been to NY several times, this was my first time to see 
Statue of Liberty. Its posture, solemnity and size were impressive. 

And we went out to drink at night as usual. 

3 days after I came back from NY, I had to drive to Las Vegas for a meeting. 
Las Vegas airport was there out of the window. I was glad that I didn't have to see the busy Strip from my room.

I guess I deserved a little rest at a resort style swimming pool at the hotel. 

Well, now I feel LA is LA, and it is pretty comfortable. 



arth Broadway, New York - 1

日本の栗原コーポレーション(リンク)の1ブランド、arth (アース)のNY2号店出店の為、
I flew in New York 2 days ago for arth's new store on Broadway.
arth is one of the brands in Kurihara Corporation (LINK), one of the largest hat company started 80 years ago in Japan. 

arth launched their first store in Orange County, CA about 5 years ago. 
We designed their first New York store in SOHO 3 years ago, aiming to establish a new brand image of the company. Now, we have been working on their 2nd store with Mr. Kurihara, president of arth, since last December.  

コロンバスサークルは、不動産王、ドナルドトランプのトランプ・インターナショナルホテル、タイムズ・ワーナー・センター、セントラルパークなどに囲まれた一等地 (リンク)。
Needless to say, Columbus Circle is a prime location surrounded by Trump international Hotel, Times Warner Center and Central park (LINK). 

Their neighbors are argo tea cafe from Chicago, Italian gelato store and a cafe from northern Europe. 
Since it is under construction, we can not reveal the inside, yet.
We are aiming for an early August opening. 


Smoke salmon lunch plate I ordered at the northern European cafe.
It was pretty good. 



My second home 3 - 第2の故郷 3

この週末はTaste of Chicago と呼ばれる食の祭典があり、道の両側いっぱいにシカゴのレストランが露店を出す。
On my 3rd day in Chicago, I drove to the places that brought back my good memories before I had dinner with my friends. It was Taste of Chicago weekend and the both sides of a street were filled with food pavilions. 

I think it is very clever of Chicago that developed Grant Park and combined with fascinating events to attract tourists. They spent money wisely to make more money, and it is a very nice city development.  

Train called L runs over our head, and taxes are not hard to catch. 

懐かしい母校、The School of Art Institute of Chicagoの校舎の一つ。
One of the campuses of The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, I graduated. 

The Art Institute of Chicago (シカゴ美術館)。元々は僕が通った学校の生徒用のギャラリーだったのが、コレクションを溜めていくうちに今の美術館になった。裏は学校の校舎と繋がっている。

A museum, The Art Institute of Chicago, used to be a students' gallery of the school. It became today's museum as they collected art pieces. This building is connected to large studios of school in the back, so I
used to use the museum as a short cut path (it is free for this school's students). 

新たに増築されたModern Wing (モダンウィング)。
日本にもオフィスを持つRenzo Piano (レンゾ・ピアノ)の作品。
Modern Wing, a new addition to the museum designed by Renzo Piano. 
He has designed one next to our LA office, but the one in Chicago is much more highly detailed. 

Flow of people, natural light, delicate lines and bold surfaces and reveals and thoughtful details are all well coordinated together and creating a perfect balance. 

Drape of natural light on the 3rd floor.

Major light source in the gallery on the 3rd floor is natural light from the top.
It created a feeling that all art pieces are floating in the air because of less contract of light and shadow.  

3 madams as if they dressed to match the painting by Chagall.   

Magritte's painting, depicting his unique way of seeing with usual objects. 

After enjoying the museum, I headed for my friend's place. 
John Hancock Center posturing between the Mies building. 

Light drink before dinner overlooking Lake Michigan. 

We went to KIKI'S, a homey French restaurant. 
This is an owner's Citroen.  

で机を並べた。現在我々の コンサルティング・デザインディレクター。
エバは学年は下だったが同じ学校を卒業し、現在VOA (リンク)のデザイナー。
アンディーはSOMからの友人。現在はPerkins and Will (リンク) のデザイナー。

Piotr and Ewa on the left and Andy on the right front. 
Piotr has appeared in my blog before. We both graduated from the same school and also worked
at SOM together. Now he is a Consulting Design Director in our company. 
Ewa also graduated from the same school and now she is a VP and designer at VOA. 
Andy is our friend from SOM. Now he is a designer at Perkins and Will.   

After this, we went back to the patio in front of the lake and had drink until 1:00 A.M.
Next time, we will all meet in LA, we promised. 

The next day, when I stepped in the airplane, I thought I saw some wet spots under the engine but I didn't doubt anything until I heard an announcement saying there was an oil leak from the engine 10 minutes later.   


Everyone had to sit tight in their seat for an hour and half while mechanics are trying to fix the problem.
Despite their efforts, that was not fixable, so we were forced to take a different plane another hour and half later. Well, I preferred taking the different one to taking the repaired one anyway. 
The sun started sinking and a business trip to NY a week later was decided while waiting... 

There was nothing I could do but wait, so I asked Frappuccino for a company. 

Almost at midnight, I arrived in LA finally. 



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