Our client has officially announced his up coming restaurant.
Article on NBC Los Angeles
以前からこのブログに書かれていたロスのダウンタウンのプロジェクトはThe Spice Tableと言うレストラン。オーナー・シェフは元々Pizzeria Mozza (ブログリンク)と言うTVでもよく取り上げられる有名店でシェフをしていたブライアント・イン(Bryant Ng)。
This is the project I was writing about in my past blog articles. It is called The Spice Table. Its owner/ chef, Bryant Ng, used to be a chef at well known Pizzeria Mozza (Link in this blog).
We were asked to design his new restaurant about a year ago, and after reviewing some potential sites, Bryant selected a 100 years old building.
URM (Unreinforced Masonry) ビルディング、つまり、鉄筋などが入っていない昔のレンガ造りの建物。元々あった殆どの窓は、外壁補強の為にコンクリートブロックで埋められてしまっている。
This is a URM (Unreinforced Masonry) building. Most of its windows have been filled with concrete blocks in order to add structural strength on the exterior walls.
All of our renovation had to meet the current building code including ADA issues, parking layout issues and so on. The most toughest problem was a structural issue.
We wanted to bring back the original beauty of this building. The concrete fills on the windows had to be removed as much as possible in order to make this restaurant successful. We visited Building and Safety Department of LA City number of times to clear their requirements and get a building permit (Link in this blog).
現在工事中。古いビルなだけに見えない所に予想だにしなかった問題点が数多く隠れており、床の構造部分からやり直し、天井の穴を埋め、腐った配管を全て交換するなど、ビル自体の補修工事に時間を取られいるが、敏腕コントラクター、Ian Lawes & Associates (イアン・ルイス・アンド・アソシエーツ)の迅速な作業が続いている。
This project is now under construction. Because of its history, there have been new discoveries every day. Despite the fact that our contractor, Ian Lawes & Associates, has been facing issues like renewing base building floor, filling holes on ceiling and replacing rotten plumbing pipes with new ones, we are all moving forward to complete this restaurant in the style we wanted.