
Net Cafe - ネットカフェ

I am working from a cafe today. A cafe with computers, so called Internet-Cafe, have been around for a while, but I have never been there. Every time I needed to use my laptop outside, I always went to Starbucks and paid $9 for 24h WIFI access.


Today, I did a search for "free wifi cafe", and there are many cafes that offer free WIFI. You can find free WIFI cafe from the link above.

普通のカフェで、自分のコンピューターを持ち込んでネットができる。これが本当のネットカフェだと思った。そのうちカフェには無料WIFIがついていて当たり前になり、Net Cafeという言葉は消えて行くだろう。日本では寝泊りする場所として存在し続けるかも知れないが。
You bring your own laptop to an ordinary cafe with free WIFI. This is the new definition of a Net Cafe, and the word Net Cafe will diminish in the near future when people take it for granted that a cafe has free WIFI. Net Cafe in Japan may remain as the same because many people use the facility to stay overnight and sleep or kill their times.

Well, a cafe owner may not enojoy and welcome this idea because people tend to occupy the seats much longer over just a cup of coffee. In addition, I have been observing 8 out of 10 visitors say "Hello" and walk straight to a restroom and leave without purchasing anything. The water cost for this cafe could be a headache for the owner...



Las Vegas Again - 再びラスベガス

I am writing this at Las Vegas airport while waiting for my return flight to LA. I was with my clients from Japan and checking out some potential sites for their new unique endeavor.

I am not really crazy about this city usually, but this time, I observed the city in business aspects and succeeded to find another way of understanding. I stayed at Planet Hollywood, former Aradin, with my clients. Despite of the economic crisis, the casino was filled with young generations.

Followings are pieces of Las Vegas.



Cafe in LA Downtown, ダウンタウンのカフェ

Two custom counters have been delivered to a cafe project site in downtown Los Angeles today.
One is straight and the other one is curved.

The higher counter is finished with round glass times and looked very nice.
The lower counter was covered by crushed glass pieces. It is a shame that the square joint lines could not be hidden well when they were grouted.

It is cheerful to see a new store development among others who have been closing their stores.


Car Museum - 車博物館

先日会社から来るまで5分程の所にあるPeterson Automotive Museumという車の博物館へ行ってみた。あまり目立たない建物なので期待をしていなかったのだが、入ってみてその充実感に驚いた。
I visited Peterson Automotive Museum the other day. It is located only 5 minutes drive from my office, but because of the outdated facade of the building, I had not paid attention before.

1929、Chevoret (シボレー) このままの外観デザインで、シボレーが電気自動車を出したら是非買いたい。
1929 Chevoret. It is a very cool design. If they produce this car with an electrical motor, I would buy one for sure.

Old bakery shop's car. I looks not only humorous, but very easy to step in and out.
This is the representation of an American automotive in the 50th.

Strange looking motorcycle
Why don't we reach the sky?
Cool Cadillac. I believe this design will be accepted even today.

The closer one is 2006 GT and the one in the back is 1960 GT40. I was attracted by the original one. The new one looks too plain to me. It has lost all the nice details.

1949 Delahaye, formerly owned by Elton John. I can see him in this. It's red.

エルビス・プレスリーが所有していた1971年のDetomaso Pantera。リーゼントは引っかからずに乗れたのだろうか。
1971 Detomaso Pantera, previously owned by Elvis Presley. I wonder if his hair could fit in.

Now, this was my favorite in the whole museum, a 1972 Mercedes-Benz, formerly owned by Jack Nicholson. This heave appearance and the elegant, yet powerful front grill are fascinating to me.

This is a car that I want to drive slowly while I enjoy the slow movement of up and down.

Currently (and these years), American BIG3 are in very bad shape. I think one of the reasons is the design. Even when they produce a revival versions such as Mustang and PT Cruiser, their way of modernization simply ignores the details that create a characteristic of a whole car.

In this museum, I met a lot of cars that I would buy if they come out as their original design, but with a new safety systems and an electrical motor.
I believe it will sell.


Coffee and California  コーヒーとカリフォルニア

I like coffee. I have my opinion about good and bad coffee, but I am not an expert of coffee and I don't even try to be.

I like to spend my time thinking about something or flipping pages of a magazine with a cup of good coffee in my hand. It is important to have the relaxing time in a day for me although I am not usually in the relaxed mood.

Cool coffee makers and cups always attract me. I have an espresso machine in my office and it makes a good coffee at least onece a day.

I was working from home today. It was a beautiful quiet sunny day, so I lifted up my hands from keyboard, and started making a cup of coffee.


I went out to my backyard with a cup of good coffee, my favorite book and a couple of chocolates.


Under the warm sunlight, my happy moment began.


This is the highlight of a day......mmm........mm....maybe not.......god! it's too hot out here!


It still has to be February!


I could not give up my favorite time, so I started challenging the Californian sun by flipping the pages of the book and sipping the coffee, pretending it was the most peaceful time of a day.


My patio umbrella is broken and did not create any shade for me...


The sun keeps burning me...


3 minutes later, I gave up and moved back into my house.


It's been 3 years since I moved in to southern California, and this weather still makes me wonder if it is right or not (winter is supposed to be cold!).



Fire Station Visit - 消防署見学

As a part of "Support people who support us, and make the world a better world" event held by a president of one Japanese company in Los Angeles.
In addition to his hard work as a president of a company, he always thinks and acts on unique events that contribute to the people in the world.

A close look of a front face of a fire engine. Each part is huge.

"Our station is your home!写真を撮りたかったり、消防車にまた乗ってみたかったらいつでも来てくれよ。"
At last, one of the firefighter said to us,
"Our station is your home! Come back anytime if you want to take more photos or climb on the fire engine again. "
It was a graceful moment.
But the fact is, all the firefighters are not only working for us whom they don't even know, but they are risking their lives for us.
When I was living in Chicago, there was a fire on one floor above us. When I noticed the sound of a fire alarm at 1:00A.M. and opened the door of our unit, the corridor had been filled with smoke already. We rushed into an emergency staircase, but there, we saw the smoke looked like a cloud in a cartoon running down to the lower floors. We ran down the stair as fast as we could, not to be caught with the smoke. When we came down to the 9th floor, we found a firefighter sitting on the stair. His eyes were wide open and hands were shaking. He was breathing deeply and looking at the air. I suppose he was panicking from the crisis happening on the upper floor.
Our building was located one minute from Lake Michigan. A strong gust blew in through a broken window and pushed the fire all the way to the other side of the building when a firefighter opened the door. A few firefighters were rushed to a hospital that night.
It is not a simple job to describe as "Cool Job".


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