I am working from a cafe today. A cafe with computers, so called Internet-Cafe, have been around for a while, but I have never been there. Every time I needed to use my laptop outside, I always went to Starbucks and paid $9 for 24h WIFI access.
Today, I did a search for "free wifi cafe", and there are many cafes that offer free WIFI. You can find free WIFI cafe from the link above.

普通のカフェで、自分のコンピューターを持ち込んでネットができる。これが本当のネットカフェだと思った。そのうちカフェには無料WIFIがついていて当たり前になり、Net Cafeという言葉は消えて行くだろう。日本では寝泊りする場所として存在し続けるかも知れないが。
You bring your own laptop to an ordinary cafe with free WIFI. This is the new definition of a Net Cafe, and the word Net Cafe will diminish in the near future when people take it for granted that a cafe has free WIFI. Net Cafe in Japan may remain as the same because many people use the facility to stay overnight and sleep or kill their times.
Well, a cafe owner may not enojoy and welcome this idea because people tend to occupy the seats much longer over just a cup of coffee. In addition, I have been observing 8 out of 10 visitors say "Hello" and walk straight to a restroom and leave without purchasing anything. The water cost for this cafe could be a headache for the owner...