I had a meeting in Santa Monica the other day. Since I arrived in the area a little too early, I decided to kill my time in a bookstore specialized in architecture and art. There, I found a book about Christian Liaigre, one of the interior designers I admire.
家具のデザインが有名で、アメリカでは高級家具を扱うHolly Hunt(ホーリーハント)http://www.hollyhunt.com/ のショールームで売られており、業界の人を通さないと購入できない。Holly Huntとはこの会社の女社長の名前。僕が一番最初に勤めたシカゴのGary Lee PartnersのGaryと大変仲がよく、Gary Lee Partnersのオフィスはマーチャンダイズ・マート(http://www.mmart.com/mmart/)のHollyのショールームの隣にあった。当時の彼女の家のパーティーに会社の皆と参加した事があるが、そこはテニスコート、プール、数々のアートに囲まれた家と言うよりは城だった。
His furniture collections are sold in Holly Hunt showrooms in the United States, and they are for contract only. Gary, the president of Gary Lee Partners, was a good friend of Holly Hunt's and he located his office right next to Holly Hunt showroom in Merchandise Mart in Chicago.
I had a chance to visit Holly's mansion once with people from Gary Lee Partners. It was surrounded by a swimming pool, tennis court and her collections of art, and I describe that as a castle rather than a mansion.
Gary の所で働いていた人たちは、皆この位の高級感には慣れっこの様だったが当時24歳の僕にとっては別世界。
When I was walking in her art gallery, someone yelled at me, "hey! take of your shoes!". I jumped up and took off my shoes in a second. Then, I heard people's laughter...it was a joke. But it was simply believable that I could not keep my shoes on in the beautiful gallery.
かれこれ12年前、僕が一番最初に図面を描かせてもらったのは、Holly Huntショールームの改装。その中でよく目にしたのが、クリスチャン・リアグレの家具たちだった。
About 12 years ago, the first project I drew on CAD was Holly Hunt showroom renovation, and there, I was introduced to Clistian Liaigre's furniture.

His furniture is simple, and keeping a fine balance between classical and modern design. Some pieces may look nothing special at the first sign , but his details, material and color take you to his world without noticing.
この本に載っている部屋自体も含め、材質その物が持つ深みが素直に、正直に引き出され、無理なくまとめられている。窓から入ってくる日光ととても相性が良い。 この本の写真家は、彼のデザインが作り出すハーモニーをとてもよく理解していると思った。
He uses the materials in honest way and brings out their pure essences. The sunlight coming through the windows enhances the harmony of the materials and create a peaceful atmosphere. The photographer of this book understands it very well.

HollyHuntに置かれている家具は高級感はあるが僕にとってはちょっとクラシカル過ぎると感じる様に思い出し、Gary Lee Partnersのデザインはとても綺麗だが新たな発見は特に無い、とさえ思っていた。そこで、
To be honest, when I start working at Gary Lee Partners, I thought the furniture in Holly Hunt showroom was high-end but too classical to me. Also, the design of Gary Lee Partners were beautiful, but no new excitements. After I moved to SOM, I tried several extraordinary designs, but they also started fading inside of me after 4 years. I, of course, sincerely appreciate all the educations and experiences they have provided me. 独立して3年目の今、クリスチャン・リアグレの本に惹かれたのは、色々やって一巡し、やはりここに戻って来たからなのかも知れない。
”素直で正直なデザイン”の中に、いつも僕が忘れてはいけない ”新たな提案” を ”アート” として組み込み、人間の行動や感性に訴えかける物をもっと作って行きたいと思う。
It's been 3 years since I started my own company, and now I am fascinated by Christian Liaigre's design again. I guess, I came back to this after all.My goal in a project is to introduce a new suggestion/invention as an art installation format in a pure and honest design that evokes people's hidden emotions. Hiroki