I have just come back from a 4 day business trip. Last Tuesday morning, I flew from John Wayne Airport which is located 15minutes from my place. It is a cosy but very clean and organized airport.いつも離陸する時に毎回ものすごい勢いで飛行機が発進するため、操縦が荒いなと以前思っていたのだが、機内アナウンスで操縦士が言うには、飛行機の飛び立つ方向にニューポートビーチという裕福な町があり住人が騒音を嫌う為、飛び立つときはブレーキをかけたままエンジンをふかし、ブレーキを離して一気に加速するのだそうだ。そして、そのまま一気に高度に達するまで上り続ける。
I used to think that the pilots here like to take off the planes recklessly because they start moving like a drag car racing. But one day, a pilot announced to everyone that some wealthy people living in Newport Beach don't like the noise, so the airplane needs to reach the high altitude rapidly. In order to do this, the pilot runs the engine at high throttle while a break is still in the position, and release the break. This results in the drag car like jump start.カフェはこんな感じ。
Cafe in the airport.
A row of out lets for PC is located between benches.
待ち時間に読んでいたNew York Timesの1面の記事。
This is a front page article on New York Times on Tuesday. The graph indicates "Brightning outlook" of this country. The degree of the rapid upward movement started from 2009 is surprising. President Obama must be in a tremendous pressure...
Interesting key fobs I found at a gift store in the airport. Theyy are powered by the solar.
コロラド州,デンバー (Map)
After flying above the cloud to the north east for about 2 and half hours,
I arrived at Denver, Colorado.
The ceiling of the airport is constructed with tension fabrics.

Exterior view of the airport
It looks like the snow-covered mountains in the distance.
This trip was planned suddenly on Monday afternoon when I received a call from my high school friend living in Colorado. He was planning to open a restaurant, and found a potential site, so he asked me to review the place with him. When I saw some photos of the site, I was pretty excited because it was an old style American freestanding fast food building. My excitement urged me to the airport on the next day. 続く。
To be continued.Hiroki