It has been a while I updated last time.
今日はリトル東京でミーティングの後、以前ニューヨークのSOHO店をデザインさせて頂いた帽子屋さんのarthのオーナーさんから教えてもらったCleveland Art(地図)へ行ってみた。場所はリトル東京のもう少し奥にあるアーティスト・ディストリクト。
After a meeting in Little Tokyo this morning, we visited Cleveland Art (map) in Artist District. The owner of a hat boutique, arth, which we designed their NY store, told me about this place.
Here you can find the original equipment used in factories and creative furniture pieces that are mixed with those factory equipments. As the store name tells, it is from Cleveland, Ohio.
I found many interesting pieces that could be used as interesting decorations in retail environments, but at the same time I felt that unless used wisely, it would end up with boring decorations in a few months.
B&W photos.
ちょうど昼だったので、すぐ隣にあるLAで有名なurth Cafe(アース・カフェ)へ(ウェブ)。LAとサンタモニカ合わせて4店舗。オーガニックの素材だけを使用しており、どの店舗も連日とても多くの人で賑わっている。
After that, we went to the famous urth cafe (web) located right next to it. There are 4 locations in LA and Santa Monica, and they are always filled with people.
I ordered prosciutto panini , and Erika had Mexican omelet.
I found a large bread oven in their kitchen, so the bread must be home made.
”え?溝、浅すぎない?!” と思ったら・・・。
Changing the subject, the other day I found a strange slope at our neighbor park.
The recess was too shallow...
Proper Use (適切な使用方法) というステッカーが貼ってあった。
Then I found a sticker said, "Proper Use".
絶対に ”適切” でないやり方をして落ちた好奇心旺盛な子供が沢山いるはず。
I am sure there are many children who challenged "improper" way and failed.
実際に滑ってみたが、”適切” な滑り方でも落ちそうになった・・・。
I tried the "proper" way, but I almost fell off...